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Street Collections Sign-Up

Volunteer to take to the streets of Tower Hamlets to bucket collect for mothers in resource-poor setings


World Pre-eclampsia Day

Today marks World Pre-eclampsia Day, but what is Pre-eclampsia and why does it need a day? What is Pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can


Charity Gala 2018

‘BritBangla24’ covers Maa’s first charity gala where over £30,000 was raised for health camps in Bangladesh.


Meet the Students Behind Maa

MVSLIM interviews JourneyMaa volunteer Fatnin Mohd Fuad about her time spent facilitating health camps in Bangladesh.


The Student Who Started Maa

The King’s Tab interviews our founder, Aqil Jaigirdar, and volunteer, Fatnin Mohd Fuad, about what’s it was like to start a charity and volunteer life.


Improving Healthcare Abroad

KCL Spotlight talks to JourneyMaa volunteer Fatnin Mohd Fuad about volunteering abroad and the future of the charity.


Tanvir Inspires Students

Former student Tanvir Ali visits Ffynone House School to speak about his experiences on JourneyMaa.

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Colour Run 2019

The Color Run is a five-kilometer, untimed event. At each kilometer mark, Color Runners are doused from head to toe in a different coloured powder.


Maa’s Going National

Our team is expanding across the UK to help us achieve our goal of revolutionising maternal healthcare in the developing world.


Street Collections Sign-Up

Volunteer to take to the streets of Tower Hamlets to bucket collect for mothers in resource-poor setings


World Pre-eclampsia Day

Today marks World Pre-eclampsia Day, but what is Pre-eclampsia and why does it need a day? What is Pre-eclampsia? Pre-eclampsia is a condition that can


Charity Gala 2018

‘BritBangla24’ covers Maa’s first charity gala where over £30,000 was raised for health camps in Bangladesh.


Meet the Students Behind Maa

MVSLIM interviews JourneyMaa volunteer Fatnin Mohd Fuad about her time spent facilitating health camps in Bangladesh.


The Student Who Started Maa

The King’s Tab interviews our founder, Aqil Jaigirdar, and volunteer, Fatnin Mohd Fuad, about what’s it was like to start a charity and volunteer life.


Improving Healthcare Abroad

KCL Spotlight talks to JourneyMaa volunteer Fatnin Mohd Fuad about volunteering abroad and the future of the charity.

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